Step Two

Step Two

Yard Sale Madness  

Yard Sale Madness  

Good things come to those who wait!  it seems like a long time since One of us took the First Step, “Quit Your Job!” In fact. It’s only been about 3 months. During that time Jim spent a week in Abu Dhabi, at an international conference on addiction. And of course, Christmas was at our house and we hosted more than half the children, as well as, all but one of the 8 grandkids. (Arianna you were missed.)

During this same time, we have made a good faith start on Step Two,  “Sell Your Stuff!” Mei Wen Ti, our beloved Chinese Junk, has been adopted by a wonderful couple who have exciting plans for her. Stay tuned, we will try to keep track and report on this remarkable vesssel as she is transformed by her new caretakers. 

We also were able to find a new home for our collectible Excalibur motor car. The irony of this sale is not lost on us. American-made, this 40 year old car was designed as an homage to an 80 year old Euperean classic. Our American beauty will shortly be sent to Denmark where it will soon be wowing Danish car-lovers!

In the midst of all this high-finance intrigue, Kim has been  “offering up” an endless array of furniture, appliances, and electronics. If you need it and can convince us that you can’t afford it, we’ll give it to you. If you’re just trying to lowball us because you think we’re desperate, you will be able to purchase the item your trying to buy  at one of the several nonprofits that we will be giving the remainder of our “stuff” to when it’s time to go.

No “Sell Your Stuff” effort would be complete without a yard sale or two - or three! We have had great fun meeting neighbors we never knew we had and a remarkable volume of things that don’t fit on a boat have been redistributed! Our last yard sale is scheduled for February 17-18. You are cordially invited to come on by. Incidentally, February 19th would probably be a great time to come pick our trash. ❤️


All In

All In

Switching Boats!

Switching Boats!