Happy, Joyous, Free

Happy, Joyous, Free

 This ⬇️ Is what that ⬆️  looks like:


... Happy, because I’m alive. Joyous, well, because I’m alive! Free- because I have a God in my life and a program of recovery which has allowed me to completely shed the hopeless, self centered, sad, dishonest woman I used to be.  I have been changed.  As I celebrate another year of sobriety, I am touched by the emotion of gratitude.  I have so much to be grateful for.  For instance, I know where my boat is parked today!  LOL! 

SERIOUSLY- for those of you who know me, I’m not ashamed to be an alcoholic or addict.  It’s who I am and the journey of my recovery has been a series of amazing events.  I have never been perfect at it.  In fact, I have taken so many twists and turns it’s a miracle I’m still alive. That being said, today, I’m so grateful that my God saw fit to carry me (drag me), sometimes kicking and screaming, to a place where I knew I either had to go left or right. I chose Right. And this is what I got.   A life beyond my wildest drunken dreams!

Thank you to my children for never giving up on me. Thank you to my sister Cameron for all of your love and support. I pray that our Mom and Dad are looking down on the two of us, proud of who we are as women today.  Thank you to Jennifer.  You were my Right.  My biggest cheerleader!  My confidante, my friend. I will always hold a special place in my heart for you.  Thank you to my tribe in California. Recovery is a “we” thing, and I am grateful for you all.  Thank you to my “Booze Hags”. 25 years later, you are all still a part of my life and my sobriety.  Thank you Jim, for loving me and sharing life with me. I’m so glad we share a common bond in recovery.  You have taught me so much. We have an amazing life today and I want you to know that I appreciate you and I love you. I’m real clear that without our sobriety we would not have found our Happy Destiny.❤️  

There are a set of promises that one can attain in sobriety. As I celebrate another year of recovery, I can assure you that every single one of these has come true for me in my life.   I asked God for help, I did the work and surrendered. We surrender to win.

 work, work, work.

 work, work, work.

I can’t keep what I have unless I’m willing to give what has been so freely given to me to others who may be looking for a new way of life.  Happy, Joyous and Free is obtainable. I’m living proof.  If you are reading this and need my help in any way, just ask.  When I quit trying to run my own show, and asked another woman for help, I became changed.  

All my love and gratitude, 





The People of the Valley

The People of the Valley

pa·tience ˈpāSHəns noun 1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

pa·tience ˈpāSHəns noun 1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.