Four Hundred Days

Four Hundred Days

This time last year, Jim and I were preparing the boat for our departure on our America’s Great Loop Adventure.  We were growing increasingly impatient waiting for a haul out date and a diesel mechanic, so we could check off those two major steps in making sure the Happy Destiny was in tip top shape.  It’s hard to believe how far we have come in one year! 

I’ve been ticking off 100 day increments. At 100 days we were in Beaufort, North Carolina.  We were on our 21st day of Our Loop. We were “ newbies”, but getting in the groove.  We had traveled most days up to that point.  We were still pinching ourselves, finding it hard to believe just how blessed we were to be able to have this opportunity! We were having a ball! 


Day 200 found us  celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary and our journey down the Mississippi River.    

From day 100 to day 200 we travelled  2,596 miles! In that amount of time we cruised up to Delaware, down the Delaware Bay, spent 3 days on the Atlantic Ocean, Up through New York, conquered the New York Canal System crossed the Erie Canal, Lake Ontario, the Trent Severn Waterway, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan, went to Chicago and ate deep dish pizza! We traveled down the Illinois River and finally to the great Mississippi River, where we crossed in front of the St. Louis Gateway Arch on our 200th day living aboard the Happy Destiny.  What a ride! 


At day 300, we had completed our Great Loop Adventure and were flying our Gold Burgee proudly. We were trying to figure out how to do life after the Loop.  It was Christmas time, and, obviously so many things were different this year. We did the best we could to make our little holiday away from our family and friends, special for us.  Florida, in December is really pretty! 


And now, day 400.  We moved aboard the Happy Destiny on March 3, 2018.  Today is April 7, 2019. We have settled in nicely to this whole living on a boat thing.  We are happy and content right where we are, but, we also know, for ourselves, that there is more adventures to be had.  We have found a place in the recovering community here.  That is important. We have talked about what the future might look like for us, and we have decided that as we take the road trip to Mississippi next month in our new RV, we will make some decisions on what is next.  Kind of like the decision we made back on the Chesapeake Bay.  Do we stay, or do we go?

There is this thing that you can do in a RV.  A Great Loop by land, so to speak.  It is a 13, 000 mile adventure called the Ultimate U.S. Road Trip.  It encompasses every state except Hawaii and Alaska, although, obviously, Alaska could be added.  It includes 50 points of American Awesomeness! Places like Mt. Rushmore, in South Dakota,  Glacier National Park, Montana, Yellowstone National Park, In Wyoming, Acadia National Park in Maine, Lost World Caverns in West Virginia.  The list is huge, and I’m intrigued! 

Jim and I are going to have a long talk!  


Whatever happens, I know that my God has my back, and all is right in my world.  I’m still the luckiest girl I know,  and I never take for granted what I have been given. My journey in life has brought me right to this day.  It’s all I get. One day at a time. I do, however, marvel at how happy, joyous, and free I feel. Life on a boat, and a lot of change, has been good for me.  I’m different than what I was 400 days ago.  

I’m better.  




A New Fleet Member

A New Fleet Member