We Work Too

We Work Too


As much as you might think that living the dream on a boat is all rainbows, sunshine, long walks on the beach, and pink sunsets, I’m here to tell you- IT’S NOT.  

Living full time on a boat is a daily unknown. You just never know what will or will not be working. Jim and I have been on the Happy Destiny for 7 days now. When we bought this boat we had a professional survey done. This is comparable to a home inspection. The surveyors go through every system in the vessel. Engines, bilge pumps, toilets, air and heating, instruments, navigation tools, propellers, shafts, hull structure, windows, doors and locks, ad infinitum!

The survey report is serious! It lists every single thing your new home needs to have it be seaworthy and safe. It tells you if the vessel you are about to spend a small fortune on is in the condition it should be and if it’s not, then these are the things you must do and fix to make it so. Our new boat had 52 things on its list. 52! But none were deal breakers. The bones of the boat and the engines are good. This is very important.  

The gentlman who owned the boat before us is a very nice man who took good care of his boat while he could. In the past few years his wife fell very ill and his focus has been on taking care of her. A very good man. That being said, he let the functions of the boat fall by the wayside. I get it.

 After soaking in the pure delight and excitement of the first few days aboard, the reality of what needs to be addressed is now in full swing.  I am thankful that Jim is a master at fixing things on a boat. He has so much experience and after all the years on the Mei Wen Ti, his ability to troubleshoot and figure it all out amazes me. We don’t have to spend the extra money for someone else’s labor which can be very pricey. Plus, let me tell you, there is a sense of accomplishment and pride when you work together with your partner to make your house your home  

So- we are tackling our chores one at a time and getting shit done! Jim has a list. Priority things at the top of the list. He is checking them off, sometimes 3 or 4 a day. I can also tell you that on a boat, just about the time you think you are done with the days chores, you’ll find something else to do.  

Here are some pictures of our last few days- 

First and foremost we found a tribe. Not quite Our Tribe, but a tribe nonetheless. Without our respective Gods and our sobriety none of this adventure would be possible ❤️

Next, let the fun and games begin.  

Jim as you know is not a petite man. He’s tall and big. (😂). Engine rooms and bilges are small, tight spaces that only leprechauns and contortionists can fit into. But, he gives it all he’s got and manages to get jobs done. 

New hot water heater going in

Next, when you have your boat in a marina you have access to shore power and city water. If you don’t have that luxury you run off your generator and a fresh water pump.  

Here we have shore power but.... the fitting for the hose leaked. Jim fixed it right up so now we can sponge off the city. 

There are nooks and crannies inside boats. They place very important things in crazy small spaces when they build boats. Under our stateroom bed are bilges and pumps. A bilge pump is a very important thing on a boat. They keep water out! We needed to replace one under the bed. Jim absolutely can’t fit. But guess who can! Yep, me. I, with Jim’s guidance put in a new float switch!

I am an electrician! With tools and everything🛠

We are seeing a whole lot of Jim’s backside lately. But, I know without him and his knowledge of all things big and small that you have to do to make a boat safe and seaworthy, I wouldn’t get to have as much fun shopping, because all our money would be going to some small guy who fits in very small places who fixes stuff. 

I’m working my hardest to make this boat our home.  I brought my special things that I couldn’t part with from Whittier.  I’ve been lucky enough to shop on Amazon for a few things to make her feel comfy cozy.  


oh yes, and by the way, we’ve had some amazing meals.  We cook on a boat!

Today it’s raining. I’ve been to the laundromat, and of course we’ve been fixing stuff. But right now I’m sitting on the front of my boat, with a cup of coffee, knowing I’m one of the luckiest girls in the world.




Same shit , different day.

Same shit , different day.

Where We Are

Where We Are